- De-Googled Pixel Tablet with GrapheneOS: A Review
28 Feb '25Having gotten rid of my sole multimedia editing machine – a 2018 MacBook Pro – and tried but failed to implement a workflow on my computer, I set out and tried a different approach with the Google Pixel Tablet. Instead of using Google’s Android, however, I’m running GrapheneOS. This is a brief review of my experience with the De-Googled Pixel Tablet.
- Google Pixel 9 released: The Best Time to Upgrade to the Pixel 8 (and
13 Aug '24The Google Pixel 9 has just been released, making this probably the best time to snap up its predecessor, the Pixel 8 – a solid phone with years-long software support – and switch to GrapheneOS along the way!
- If You Must Use Signal, Use Molly
29 Feb '24While I’m critical towards the Signal messenger, I understand that network effects are strong and even though many people would much rather prefer a different platform, it’s not easy to get friends and family onto something better. In this brief write-up, I’ll introduce an alternative Signal client to make using Signal at least slightly less troublesome.
- Hardened Gentoo with Full Disk Encryption on the Star Labs StarBook Mk VI
22 Feb '24A brief guide on installing Gentoo Linux with Full Disk Encryption and the hardened profile, with SELinux, on the Star Labs StarBook Mk VI.
- How Do You Trust That Your Personal Machine Is Not Compromised?
27 Oct '23A while ago I stumbled upon a simple yet surprisingly interesting question on Hacker News, which seemed to have some people (re-)evaluate their current setups and look for ways to improve. Hence I figured that it might be an interesting subject to cover.
- Run Your Own LastPass on Hardened OpenBSD
14 Dec '22With LastPass having suffered yet another data breach – important update here – it’s probably time to take matters into your own hands and run your own cloud password manager. Let’s do exactly that, on a hardened OpenBSD system!