- Mailman3 on OpenBSD 7.1
14 Aug '22
A short guide on how to install and run Mailman version 3 on OpenBSD 7.1.
- ProtonMail Shows Why Your Data Won’t Ever be Private Under Any “Orderly” Jurisdiction
10 Sep '21
Another day, another eyebrow-raising situation unfolding at one of Europe’s
privacy poster child. ProtonMail helping Swiss law-enforcement and Europol
in an arrest warranted by French authorities once again shows how little
the European turf can be trusted with privacy and why no customer data
will ever be truly private under any industrialized nation’s jurisdiction.
- Tracked No More: Goodbye Google
20 Mar '21
Goodbye Google! For the past couple of years I’ve been using the company’s
services extensively, but with the amount of scandals and privacy
issues it was time to cut ties.